– Team We360, visited the SOS Village this week. It was a busy day as half of the social media team rushed through their chores in the first half, while coordinating with the caterers for food delivery at the village on time. We reached there at around 2pm, and met the Director Ms. Amna, who gave us a property tour and explained to us the process of admission and sponsorships, and the demographics of how the operations of the village runs.   Mr. Syed Ali Abbas Zaidi, the CEO of WE360 himself served the kids at Lunch, while the staff helped with the distribution of halawa silk wax, gifts, clothing and grocery among the kids, mothers and management.   Team We360, had an overall joyous day at the village, while playing board games with the kids after having lunch with them. The glow on their innocent faces warmed our hearts and each of us committed to volunteer at the village regularly in whichever capacity one could.   The day ended with a beautiful lesson for each of the participants, to never take our parents and guardians for granted, to give back in the name of charity to help others in need.   For more information how to donate please visit www.sos.org.pk    
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